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Pump My Tank

Septic Pumping Truck

Is it time to pump my tank? 





It is a well-known fact that wastewater disposal, when done improperly, can pose a threat to the environment and public health. In order to protect people and environments, wastewater must be well disposed of in a manner that controls waterborne diseases and prevents contamination of surface water and underground water. Saying, "I need a new septic tank" is not good, but we can help.

What are septic tanks? Most developments in Metro Atlanta, Georgia off the sewer system use septic systems to treat and dispose of sewage, also known as wastewater. Septic tank systems are generally comprised of cylindrical containers called septic tanks and a few sets of drainage receptacles which have holes in their sides and no base e.g. leach drains or soakwells.

As wastewater moves through the septic tank, heavier solids fall to the bottom and undergo bacterial digestion. This reduces the amount of solids and also changes its make up to sludge which accumulates in the bottom of the tank. Materials like oil and grease float to the surface in the tanks forming a crust over the liquid. The remaining liquid, called effluent, pass from the tanks into the drainage bins to soak into the surrounding soil where it undergoes further natural treatment processes. Since 1989, most household septic tank systems have been installed with either two leach drains or two sets of soak wells. Called alternating systems, they have a distribution box which can change the flow of effluent allowing one half of the soak wells or one of the leach drains to be shut off at anytime. This allows for the other section to dry out, therefore restoring the soil’s ability to receive effluent.

Septic Tanks, Septic Systems

Septic Systems Repair near me and close by brings a sense of urgency. Until a septic system is fixed, you will be unable to shower, use the toilet, wash hands, prepare dinner, or even wash clothes. A functional septic system is vital to everyday use. Repair, fix, mend, patch-up, restore, put back together, get working again are all terms that activate our company to help you. Repairing a septic tank must be performed by state certified technicians - Georgia Department of Public health. Read more...

Septic Tank Maintenance is a major function to avoid future septic tank repair problems. Your septic tank separates solids, grease, and oils out of the wastewater before it enters the drainage receptacles (drain field). When a septic tank system is correctly installed and maintained, it should work effectively for many years. If the septic tanks accumulate too much sludge and scum, the effective volume of the tank is reduced which, in turn, reduces the time for separation to take place. It's time to pump that tank. Read more...

Cleaning out a septic tank reveals varying, yet interesting, advice from many sources. However, Georgia Department of Public Health has the last word; it is the governing body. What's more, according to How Stuff, about one-third (1/3) of Americans have a septic system treating the waste in their homes [source: American Ground Water Trust]. By design, these systems are fairly simple. All drains in the home converge to a single pipe that leads to the septic tank buried outside. When the waste water from your toilet, shower, sinks and washing machine leave your house, it's combined.

Septic Tank installation requires precision. Our technicians will place or fix in position ready for use the installation your new septic tank system. Commercial septic tank installations are very different from residential installations. Dosing tanks and devices require highly specific placement, and grease traps are an essential part of the installation plan. For residential, there is an application process and layout planning which includes the setback requirements..... more

How does it work? 


Components of an Individual Septic System: An individual septic systems works fully on gravity. Household wastewater (anything from toilets, bathtubs, laundry and sinks) moves to a 1000 gallon tank shallowly buried in the home‘s yard. In the tank, anaerobic bacteria (those not living in aerated environments) break down the organic wastes. Septic tanks may have one or several chambers where solids are separated from waste water. The biological action of bacteria compacts the heavier solids causing them to settle at the bottom of the chamber; lightweight compounds such as waxes and grease drift to the surface. Septic tanks cannot handle cooking greases, paint, paint thinners and other solvents, and paper products (except for septic-safe toilet tissue). Furthermore, use of garbage disposal units is discouraged. Accumulated sludge at the bottom of the tank must be emptied every 3-5 years depending on household size. - Sewage Cleanup Emergency Service Company, Sewer Repair - septic-tank-repair

Sewage, raw sewage sludge, septic tank

Septic System Repair - done right the first time...

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